Immunization Exclusion Day Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
As you may be aware, Wednesday, February 15, 2023 is immunization exclusion day. What does that mean
for my student(s)?
• Students not fully up-to-date with required immunizations are not allowed to attend school or activities
onsite until the required documentation is received.
• The required documentation consists of at least one of the following:
• Proof of immunizations from a medical provider, pharmacy, County Public Health or
State of Oregon Health Authority Immunization Program.
• Proof of Medical Exemption from a Licensed Physician or County Health Department.
• Proof of Non-Medical Exemption signed by the parent or guardian with the completed
Vaccine Education Certificate attached.
Information on the Vaccine Education Certification may be found here:
• If the required documentation is received, the student(s) will be allowed to attend. If the required
documentation is not received, the student(s) will be required to leave school and not return until the
required documentation has been submitted to the school.
Where can I received immunizations for my student(s)?
• Student's regular healthcare provider
• Pharmacy
• Health Clinics in rural areas that participate in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program
• Lane County Public Health Department (LCPH will host a walk-in vaccine clinic for students from
9:00am to 4:30pm on Tuesday, February 14th and Wednesday, February 15th. Please call LCPH at
541-682-4041 if you have any questions.)
More information on Lane County Public Health's Immunization Program may be found here: https://