October 10, 2022
Oakridge Air has free air purifiers from Oregon Health Authority only for homes without an air purifier. To qualify, a recipient must: - be a child 0-12 and have Oregon Health Pla...
October 7, 2022
Please contact Oakridge Air with any questions 541-782-3422 or info@oakridgeair.org Application Link: shorturl.at/ghmqr
October 6, 2022
Hard copies can be picked up at the OES Office. Immunization Rates
September 28, 2022
The Fall Sports Schedule can be found here https://www.oakridge.k12.or.us... Also, did you know it is not too late to sign up for fall sports. Does your kiddo want to run Cros...
September 26, 2022
OES Picture Day is 09/27/2022. To order online before picture day, go to mylifetouch.com and enter our School/Picture Day ID: EVTK3MPQ6
September 23, 2022
The School Calendar has been updated. The change is No School on February 10th.
September 2, 2022
Route A (Pre-K, LaDuke, Hines, Deception Cr Park) Route B (High Prairie, Brock, McFarland, Westoak) Route C (Fish Hatchery, Roaring Rapids, W. 1st) Route D (Pre-K, Jones,...